Posted this on my
Orange Orb: UFOs, Forteana and More blog.
Another area of passion and interest of mine, (
see my blog OrangeOrbTarot) aside from the UFO, paranormal realm, is the tarot. I was searching for various decks, since I collect them as most readers do, I have several, and came across this image from the Bifrost tarot deck.
This is a Major Arcana card -- specifically, The Chariot -- from the
Bifrost tarotdeck. There is a distinctive alien grey ET figure, floating in outer space, giving the peace sign.
According to the deck's creator, the meaning of the Trump or Major Arcana card The Chariot is:
The Chariot of the information age is the mind. This is symbolized by both the flying saucer behind the Roswell alien's eyes and the magic carpet at his seat. The blood in his grail and the strand of DNA show that no matter where he travels, he will always find himself. []
The flying saucer is in the place of the third eye. The location is specific: Roswell. The alien is peace loving, since he/she/it/gender neutral alien is flashing the peace sign. And, the ET is on a magic flying carpet, floating out there in the starry void.
What to make of this?
Assumptions that ET, as 'the grey' is a good vibe, well meaning, peaceful hippie alien. All is groovy and cosmic, flying around on the magic carpet.
Traditional, The Chariot, Waite-Coleman-Rider deck |
Traditionally, The Chariot is depcited as having stars above (hence the alien I suppose) which represents the influences of the stars in this card. There is also the crescent moon. The wings have to do with Hinduism -- the Bifrost tarot interprets this image using the third eye.
There are actually a few tarot decks that use aliens in as symbols. I don't know how I feel about using a deck with this image, for myself, it seems too strange. In one sense, accessing memories of UFO encounters as a sort of tarot card reading, in order to make sense out of what happened, is useful. I try to do this for myself at times. But I don't know about integrating both. However, it's not a judgement
and others might find newer, non-taditional decks using alien motifs useful.