Lucid dreaming: awareness of the self or that you're dreaming within a dream. Here's one definition of lucid dreaming from The Lucidity Institute:
"Lucid dreaming means dreaming while knowing that you are dreaming. The term was coined by Frederik van Eeden who used the word "lucid" in the sense of mental clarity. Lucidity usually begins in the midst of a dream when the dreamer realizes that the experience is not occurring in physical reality, but is a dream. Often this realization is triggered by the dreamer noticing some impossible or unlikely occurrence in the dream, such as flying or meeting the deceased. Sometimes people become lucid without noticing any particular clue in the dream; they just suddenly realize they are in a dream. A minority of lucid dreams (according to the research of LaBerge and colleagues, about 10 percent) are the result of returning to REM (dreaming) sleep directly from an awakening with unbroken reflective consciousness."
Dog: Spike Returns
Dog visited again the other night: repeating dreamscape of a dilapidated house, somehow ours. Lots more: I don't want to go into the house while Jim is away, the place is in a semi-rural area, lots of open lots with patchy grass, no trees, pretty ugly and bare. Front of the garage half gone, 2/3 seem to have been sliced in half so now it's a sort of lean to. I prefer to stay in there until Jim gets back. Jim goes off for the entire day to return with a dog. Now our dog.
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Portrait eines Dobermanns, C. Reichert 1916 public domain
The thing about this dog is, the dog (Doberman) is from our waking life. Thirty years ago we lived in a place with this dog, who was great. Just a great, smart, sweet dog. In the dream, I say to Jim "This is very weird; Spike here would be over thirty years old, and dogs don't live that long." I was happy to see Spike again, but couldn't get past the strangeness of how it could be that he would still be alive, and healthy and young and happy at that.
(Dog, as dream guide and recurring image has been a recurring symbol in my dreams for awhile now. I've been working with Dog in my dreams; one, obviously the persistence of the image is important and two, I'm not a dog person. I love animals, and once I get to know a dog, I will often end up loving it. Oftentimes I wish I had a dog, but the timing and living situation is not right. At the same time, I've several extremely unpleasant and dangerous episodes involving dogs.)
UFO Researcher: The Two Jacque Vallees
A night or two after that, I had a dream about a golden UFO which I posted about on my UFO blog the Orange Orb. The UFO researcher Jacque Vallee appeared in the dream, but the man "playing" him was completely different in appearance. I comment to others in that dream that "This is very strange, in reality -- not here in this dream -- Vallee looks nothing like this. Vallee is tall, thin, has gray hair, this man is short, bald, not thin."
Dreaming is deeply intriguing. What lives in our subconscious, the levels and layers of dreaming (such as lucid dreaming), the recurring "dreamscapes" and symbols -- in my case, Dog -- and the frustrating and elusive nature of remembering dreams. It is fascinating to know that we had dreamt that night when we wake up in the morning, but just can't remember the dream. Or, we might have a few vague memories of that dream. But those memories, that dream history, is still alive somewhere. Where? What part of the mind do these dream memories live? What part of the astral -- outside of us -- do they live?
What message are my guides sending via these lucid moments? What are the triggers that have caused these lucid moments to pop up in my dreams recently? No doubt meditation has been the cause; something I've just started doing again with intent, focus and consistency. (That last part … not easy for some of us.)
All this calls for a reading using the Angel Dreams oracle, which I will post here tomorrow.
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Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue: Angel Dreams oracle |
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