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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Playfulness: Healing with the Angels oracle

Felt like choosing a card for the day, wasn't sure which deck to choose from. Slightly surprised, I found myself grabbing the Doreen Virtue Healing with the Angels deck. I say "slightly surprised" because I wasn't feeling that angel, mellow energy. Yet I found I wasn't going anywhere else either, like the Deviant Moon tarot deck, or the Druid Animal oracle. So there you go.

As I was pulling the cards, this is the one that jumped out. Okay, so we all know what that means when this happens! Use it. That's the card that wants to be heard!

"Fun and play is the Angels' way. They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury." ~ Doreen Virtue, Healing with the Angels p33
This card reminds us to have some fun; we can't succeed if we don't allow ourselves to relax, take time to just be and enjoy and play. I see this as the partner to the "take time out for yourself" reminder we so often get. Take time to reflect, be by yourself, meditate, soak in a tub... this card, Playfulness, is the other side of this. Take time out, but play! Dance or laugh or socialize, do something considered "just for kids" (popping bubbles on bubble wrap, fingerpainting...) just have some fun.

It may seem like an indulgence, or that you don't "get to" have fun. After all, we're adults, we need to take care of business. No time! No money! We have to be serious, or we won't succeed. Well, this card reminds us that we can have fun in hundreds of different ways and it doesn't have to cost a thing. When we take time out for play, which includes that sense of joy and wonder, even with the simplest and smallest of things, we actually add energy and success to our plans and our work.

Don't be afraid to have fun, to play. Taking time out to play only adds positive benefits to the rest of your efforts, in fact, charges them and amplifies them!

So go kick up those piles of leaves as you're raking them!

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