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Friday, January 24, 2014

Synchronicity, Cat Killer, and Archangel Raphael: Be Willing To Forgive

Archangel Raphael: Be Willing To Forgive | Archangel Oracle ~ Divine Guidance: Archangel Raphael: Be Willing To Forgive: “Ask the angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.” ~ Doreen Virtue, Angel Therapy Oracle cards
This card is from Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy Oracle card deck. It's not one I have; I do have her Angel Tarot and Healing with the Angels. (Also Magical Mermaids and Dolphins, Angel Dreams, and Mary, Queen of Angels.)

Just yesterday I was reading about how synchronicity occurs once you start working with oracles. And just a few minutes ago, I got into an altercation with a woman who lives down the block. Absolutely not a proud moment for me, but I am still hanging onto my anger and  deep sadness over the loss of my cat -- the cat that was killed in front of me by her two dogs last spring. Two dogs she consistently allowed to run loose in the neighborhood. Aside from the depression I am still feeling over my beloved cat's death, I am angry at this person's complete lack of compassion or responsibility.

Upset at myself for behaving so immaturely and lashing out, upset with her for being a scary, threatening and irresponsible person, upset at the death of my cat, I stormed into the house. Opened my email to find this post from the Divine Guidance blog: Forgiveness.

I realized that, yes, I am angry at this woman and her selfish idiocy, but I am also angry with myself. So not only do I have to forgive her, but I need to forgive myself. Forgive myself for indulging in holding onto anger towards her, forgive myself for making the decision to let my cat outside, forgive myself for behaving so reactively and immaturely.

(There is also the practical reason: the potential unstable nature of this person and possible escalation.)

Now that is a heavy lesson for the day!

But there it is. Forgiveness. Intellectually I understand the importance of forgiving, but as most of us have experienced, sometimes it is harder to understand this emotionally. So I welcome Archangel Raphael and ask for healing and the ability to forgive.

The Angel cards, whether by Doreen Virtue or other creators, sometimes have a "new age dippy" vibe. There are some things I don't like about them. Fluff bunny, I am not. On the other hand, I have had powerful readings with these decks, and continue to have powerful experiences concerning angels. In part I think those of us who all too easily see the "dippy" side of these things need to know there are moments when we need this comfort and healing. We don't have to be married to the whole show. Just accept what works for us and take it in in our own way. Interpret it in a way that fits. There may be sugary gooey parts but the message and the literal energy and actions from accessing what the Angels have to give us transcends any moments of self-consciousness.

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